Did Angourie Rice play in Mako Mermaids?
Mako Mermaids is an Australian television series that follows the adventures of three teenage girls who become mermaids after being caught in a magical tidal wave. The show premiered in 2013 and quickly gained popularity, especially amongst young viewers. While Mako Mermaids is a fictional series, it features many talented actors, including Chai Hansen, Lucy Fry, and Sirena Irwin.
Although Angourie Rice did not appear in Mako Mermaids, she is a rising star in the entertainment industry and has many other notable roles under her belt. She is known for her roles in films like The Nice Guys and Spider-Man: Homecoming. While Angourie Rice did not star in Mako Mermaids, she has continued to build a successful career in the entertainment industry.
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